Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World in 2024 (March Update)


Key Takeaways

  • Real Madrid Tops the List: With over 372.75 million followers, Real Madrid is the most followed football club on social media in 2024.
  • Stable Top 10: The list of the top 10 clubs with the most fans has remained unchanged for the past four years, indicating a strong and steady fan base.
  • Social Media Importance: The rankings underscore the critical role of social media in determining a club’s popularity globally.
  • Platform Leaders: Real Madrid leads on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, PSG on TikTok, and Barcelona on YouTube, showing varied platform preferences among fans.
  • National Highlights: Juventus is the top Italian club by followers, and Real Madrid is the top Spanish club, reflecting their global fan appeal.


Today, we are presenting you the football clubs that are most followed on social media platforms around the world, the updated list as of March 17, 2024.

So, which football club has the most followers on social media?

The answer is Real Madrid! In 2024, March, Real Madrid has over 381,38 million followers on social media platforms.

Like in 2021, 2022, and 2023, also this year Real is the most followed football club in the world. During 2024, Real Madrid followers have already grown for 8,1 million.

During the first 3 months, only Liverpool and Chelsea have switched the positions: now Liverpool is 7th and Chelsea is 8th. Overall, the top 10 teams are the same as in the last 3 years.

Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World - 2021-2024 Comparison
Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World – 2021-2024 Comparison

Let’s have a detailed look at the football clubs with the most fans in the world in 2024 (updated in March). Counting the number of fans, we have considered the top football clubs social media accounts followers’ numbers.

Here are the results:

Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World in 2024
Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World in 2024


1. Real Madrid

Real Madrid Facebook: 121 M

Real Madrid Instagram: 154 M

Real Madrid Twitter50,2 M

Real Madrid YouTube: 12,5 M

Real Madrid TikTok: 40,3 M

Others: 3,39 M

Total: 381,39 M

2. Barcelona

Barcelona Facebook: 113 M

Barcelona Instagram: 126 M

Barcelona Twitter48,7 M

Barcelona YouTube16,7 M

Barcelona TikTok: 33 M

Other: 321 K

Total: 337,72 M


3. Manchester United

Manchester United Facebook: 83 M

Manchester United Instagram: 63,4 M

Manchester United Twitter37,7  M

Manchester United YouTube: 8,72 M

Manchester United TikTok: 24,8 M

Other: 342 K

Total: 217,96 M


4. PSG

PSG Facebook: 52 M

PSG Instagram: 64,9 M

PSG Twitter15,1 M

PSG YouTube: 7,4 M

PSG TikTok: 41,5 M

Other: 1,81 M

Total: 182,71 M


5. Juventus

Juventus Facebook: 47 M

Juventus Instagram: 60,3 M

Juventus Twitter10 M

Juventus YouTube5,9 M

Juventus TikTok: 31,5 M

Other: 257 K

Total: 154,96 M


6. Manchester City

Manchester City Facebook: 50 M

Manchester City Instagram: 51,8 M

Manchester City Twitter17,5 M

Manchester City YouTube7,15 M

Manchester City TikTok: 24 M

Other: 156 K

Total: 150,6 M


7. Liverpool FC

Liverpool FC Facebook: 47 M

Liverpool FC Instagram: 44,9 M

Liverpool FC Twitter24,3 M

Liverpool FC YouTube: 9,62 M

Liverpool FC TikTok: 19 M

Other: 262 K

Total: 145,08 M


8. Chelsea FC

Chelsea FC Facebook: 54 M

Chelsea FC Instagram: 41,7 M

Chelsea FC Twitter: 25,5 M

Chelsea FC YouTube4,9 M

Chelsea FC TikTok: 15,5 M

Other: 212 M

Total: 141,84 M


9. FC Bayern Munich

Bayern Munich Facebook: 60 M

Bayern Munich Instagram: 41,6 M

Bayern Munich Twitter7 M

Bayern Munich YouTube4 M

Bayern Munich TikTok: 18,9 M

Other: 147 K

Total: 131,66 M


10. Arsenal

Arsenal Facebook: 42 M

Arsenal Instagram: 28,9 M

Arsenal Twitter22,2 M

Arsenal YouTube3,89 M

Arsenal TikTok: 6,8 M

Other: 204 K

Total: 103,99 M


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Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World
Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World

Top 10 Football Clubs with Most Fans in the World in 2024, March: Total Results

Real Madrid – 381,39 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 372,75 million followers)

Barcelona – 337,72 million followers ((in January, 2024, the number of followers was 335,1 million followers)

Manchester United – 217,96 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 215,7 million followers)

PSG – 182,71 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 182,99 million followers)

Juventus – 154,96 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 151,56 million followers)

Manchester City – 150,6 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 146,37 million followers)

Liverpool – 145,08 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 140,5 million followers)

Chelsea – 141,84 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 141 million followers)

Bayern Munich – 131,66 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 130,4 million followers)

Arsenal – 103,99 million followers (in January, 2024, the number of followers was 102,6 million followers)



What is the richest football club in the world?

Barcelona is the richest football club in the world in 2024 by revenue.

What is the most followed Italian football club?

Juventus is the most followed Italian football club in the world.

What is the most followed Spanish football club?

Real Madrid is the most followed Spanish football club in the world.

Which football club has the largest social media following in 2024?

Real Madrid boasts the largest social media following among football clubs in 2024, with over 372,75 million followers across different social media platforms.

Which football club is the most followed on Facebook in 2024?

Real Madrid holds the top spot as the most followed football club on Facebook, with a fan base of 120 million.

Which football club has the most fans on TikTok in 2024?

PSG is the leading football club on TikTok, with an impressive 40,8 million followers.

Which football club has the most followers on Instagram in 2024?

Real Madrid leads in Instagram following among football clubs, with 150 million followers.

Which football club has the most followers on Twitter in 2024?

Real Madrid has the largest Twitter following among football clubs, with 49,7 million Twitter followers.

Which football club is the most popular on YouTube in 2024?

Barcelona ranks as the most popular football club on YouTube, with 16,3 million subscribers to their channel.



1. Official Facebook accounts of the top football clubs.

2. Official Instagram accounts of the top football clubs.

3. Official X (Twitter) accounts of the top football clubs.

4. Official TikTok accounts of the top football clubs.

5. Official YouTube accounts of the top football clubs.

6. Other Sources: Official accounts of the top football clubs on other social media platforms.


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